Our family session booking fee is priced at $99. This includes your session time, photographer, full use of the studio, studio wardrobe, session planning. styling and image design. A personal viewing gallery and an individual webpage including all your session images for viewing.
Our outdoor family sessions are best booked in the evening when the sun is lower in the sky to capture that evening light. You can choose either our manicured studio gardens, the local bush reserve or your own home if you are local.
Your dress choice is critical when taking family portraits.
We offer a full studio wardrobe you are welcome to use.
We recommend choosing neat casual clothing in complimenting colours. Picking a theme such as:.
-All white
-All neutrals
-Full winter - scarves, coats, beanies.
-Autumn colours, browns, yellows, rust
-Spring colours, florals, pastels, greens
-Denim with white tops.
-Denim, blues, navy, beige and white
Digital images are only available to purchase after your session from the comfort of your own home. We will provide you with your personal gallery to choose your images. Digital image prices for family sessions are:
Single - $59 - 1 digital image
Mini - $199 - 4 digital images.
Half -$499 - 10 digital images.
Full - $799 - All digital images.
There is no minimum spend or obligation to purchase images.